Payrun Details

In this step you will need to enter information about the payrun that you have opened or are creating, including the dates of the payrun. The dates that you enter at this point are used in several calculations throughout the payrun and are also used to label the payrun for payslips and reports.

Enter the following information as required:

Field Explanation
Run Number This is automatically generated by the system and cannot be altered. It is used throughout the system to uniquely identify this payrun.
Pay Period Cycle Select this option if this is a Pay Period Cycle payrun. If not selected, this will be an Off Cycle payrun.
Pay Period Cycle Set If you have specified that this is a Pay Period Cycle payrun, then you must select the required Pay Period Cycle Set.
Pay Cycle
Period Dates
The date ranges here are generated automatically based on the specified Pay Period Cycle Set. Select the appropriate date range.
If you have specified the details for a Pay Period Cycle payrun, the following FinYear:Week No, Period Start and Period End dates will be pre-populated according to your selection.
Note: for this type of payrun, you will only be able to select employees who are allocated to the specified Pay Period Cycle Set.
Financial Year:Week no Enter the week number in the current financial year.
Period Start-End Enter the dates for the period included in this payrun. A warning will be displayed if the selected dates are outside the selected financial year.
Date of Payment Expected date of payrun payment. This date will appear on the payslip.
Super Payment Date Specify the date on which the Super Contributions will be paid. This date will appear on the employees’ payslips.
Payrun Description Enter a description of the payrun. This description will appear on all Audit reports printed from this payrun.
Payslip Message If you enter a message here it will appear on the payslips of all employees. If you wish to enter a message for an individual employee, do so on the Master tab when editing that employee in the payrun.

Assigning the payrun to a financial year:week no determines many factors within the payrun and should be as accurate as possible. For example:

  • the payrun figures will be included on Payment Summaries for employees, for the selected financial year.
  • the payrun is included in the selected calendar month for reporting purposes.
  • the payrun automatically uses the tax scales for the selected financial year.
  • the payrun keeps track of month-to-date earnings for superannuation purposes.

The financial year value refers to the year ending date of the current financial year. For example, 2016:32 is week 32 of the financial year 2015-2016.